Thomas Was Alone Wiki

Jo with Sam

Jo is the second generation of Thomas.


Jo is the same height and width of Thomas, but instead of being red, she is a dark grey color.



Jo and Sam buffered with Laura's ability

Jo possesses all the abilities of Thomas, in that, she has a medium jump when compared to the other AI's. She, like all the other grey AI's are able to use Shifters to gain the abilities to float on toxic water like Claire, fall upwards like James, act as a trampoline like Laura, double jump like Sarah or return to a normal grey.


Jo thinks of herself as cautious and does not like change. She worries over her friends and is reluctant to take chances.


  • Jo and Sam are a couple.
  • Jo is one of the only second generation AI's to escape in the course of the game, the other being her partner, Sam.